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Reacting to Easter

Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday is THE most significant event in the history of the world. Nothing else even comes close. No other event has impacted more people’s lives. No event’s proclamation has led to more joy. No event’s proclamation has led to more persecution and death for those doing the proclaiming. No one else (yet) has ever been raised from the dead and brought into the eternal presence of God the Father in glory. No other event in all of human history has actually dealt with the universal problems of the world: sin, the devil and death. Jesus’ resurrection stands alone as a truly unique event in all of time.

In these weeks after Easter, we will be taking a closer look at how to respond to this unique event. How did the immediate observer’s respond? What does God desire out of us now that Easter has happened? What is the Lord’s plans for his disciples in the aftermath of Easter? How should we respond to Easter?

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Nyck

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