Mission Statement

Our mission here at Trinity is

“To make more and better disciples of Jesus Christ.”

To that end, we believe that every person should use the talents, gifts, and abilities they have been given by God in service to Him and to others.

Trinity offers a number of different worship styles, Bible studies, information classes, and ministry opportunities to help those of all ages who are seeking to establish and/or grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Our 4 Core Values

  1. We are justified through faith in Jesus Christ.

  2. The Bible is the only source and norm for our life in Christ

  3. The Holy Spirit works through Word and Sacrament

  4. We gather as a group of believers in Christ in order to:

    • Help each member grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
    • Be equipped to witness to others about Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior
    • Be a place where those who seek God’s grace and mercy will find it

Vision Statement

Trinity Lutheran Church is a caring, welcoming family of believers sharing God’s love by equipping every generation to serve all people as Jesus did for us.

This is what matters most to us:

We believe that God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to take our sins upon Himself, die for us, and rise again … proclaiming His victory over death and securing an eternal home in Heaven for all who believe in Him.

We call ourselves Lutheran.  That means we follow the teachings of Martin Luther who believed that our response to salvation through the saving grace of Jesus Christ should be reflected in everything we say, everything we do, and everything we teach.

What do we teach? Here are the basics: We believe that sinful man (that’s me and you) is saved by…

God loves the people of the world, even though we are all sinful, rebel against Him and do not deserve His love.  He sent Jesus, His Son, to love the unlovable and save the ungodly.  This truth is based on…

The Bible is God’s Own Word (by the way, it has no mistakes and never fails) in which He reveals His Law and His Gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ.  It is the only place that we go to determine Christian doctrine.  This saving work of Jesus is freely given to us by…

By His suffering and death as the substitute for all people of all time, Jesus purchased and won forgiveness and eternal life for them.  Those who hear this Good News and believe it have the eternal life that it offers.  God creates faith in Christ and gives people forgiveness through Him.

Trinity Lutheran Church is a congregation of the Eastern District of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod.


Link to our Synod Website:

Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod


Link to our Eastern District Site:

LCM Eastern District
If there are any questions that you have for us, please email  trinitylutheranchurch@verizon.net