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Back to School

“Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance.” Proverbs 1:5

I was one of those strange kids who loved going back to school. I genuinely enjoyed learning. I liked the structure. I was, dare-I-say-it, good at school. There is always something special for me at this time of year getting ready for a new school year to start. Not to mention that nowadays there is the added excitement, being a parent, of being able to send my kids off to a great school like Trinity.

As the back-to-school season approaches, we are reminded of the importance of learning and growing in knowledge. Just as students prepare to embark on a new academic journey, as believers, we too are called to embrace a lifelong journey of learning in our faith and in the world around us.

In Proverbs 1:5, we are reminded that wisdom comes from listening, learning, and seeking guidance. Just as students sit at the feet of their teachers, we too must sit at the feet of God, the ultimate source of wisdom. Our journey of faith involves a continuous pursuit of understanding His Word, deepening our relationship with Him, and applying His teachings in our lives.

In the classroom of life, God is our ultimate Teacher. He imparts wisdom through His Word, His creation, and through the experiences He allows us to go through. Just as a teacher carefully plans lessons for their students, God orchestrates situations and challenges in our lives to teach us valuable lessons that shape our character and our faith.

To learn, we must first acknowledge that there is always something new to discover. This requires humility – a willingness to admit that we don’t have all of the answers. Just like students who eagerly open their minds to new subjects, we should open our hearts to receive God’s teachings, even if they challenge our preconceived notions.

At school students learn through challenges, late nights studying and exams. Similarly, our spiritual journey demands perseverance. We will face trials, doubts, and questions along the way, but these are opportunities for growth. Through perseverance, our faith is refined and strengthened.

Education becomes meaningful when knowledge is applied. Likewise, our faith is most powerful when we apply the wisdom we gain from God’s Word. As we learn about love, forgiveness, compassion, and grace, we should actively practice these virtues in our daily lives.

Finally, just as students are grateful for the opportunity to learn, we should be thankful for the privilege of growing in our faith. Each day is a chance to gain new insights, to draw closer to God, and to become more Christ-like. A heart of gratitude keeps us receptive to God’s teachings and eager to learn more.

As we enter the back-to-school season, let’s approach our faith journey with the same enthusiasm and dedication that students (like I was) bring to their studies. Let’s remember that God is our ultimate Teacher, and His Word is the most valuable textbook we’ll ever have. Through humility, perseverance, and a heart of gratitude, we can embrace the lifelong learning process that leads us closer to God and shapes us into His image. Just as Proverbs 1:5 encourages, let us be wise in listening, learning, and seeking guidance from the One who holds all wisdom in His hands.

God’s Blessings,

Pastor Nyck Greig

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