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God Wants To Do A New Thing Here

How’s that for a scary title to this article? Something “new” usually means change, and change is usually difficult for people to embrace. When alligators come across something new, something they don’t know, they will do one of three things: run from it, attack it, or eat it. That kind of sums up how some people react when the issue of doing something new / different is raised.

Yet, here we are as church and school beginning a process that will cast a vision for the future of our mission and ministry. And as we stand at the beginning of that process, isn’t it reassuring that we don’t do it alone? In fact, God has promised to show us a new path He’s planned for us.

I can be sure of that, for God showed that to me a long time ago as I was seeking His direction for my life. He led me to this verse:

“Forget the former things, don’t dwell on the past. See, I’m doing a new thing! Now it springs up, don’t you perceive it? I’m making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.” Isaiah 43:18-19

Did you catch it? God is saying “See, I’m doing a new thing.” That for me was a commitment to walk with Him 24/7 and let Him lead. For our church & school that means being open to new ways of getting out the saving message of God’s love for all people to all people.

The challenge of sharing Christ in this post-Christian world seems overwhelming at times. How do we bring the message of faith to a society that runs from those who have the answer? As a church/school we need to try a “new thing” to reach them.

I don’t’ know if you’ve talked with anyone in high school, college, or a young adult lately, but if/ when you get on topics like: who is God, what does it mean to be “saved”, what do you mean when you say “worship”, and other simple things of faith that you’ve known for your whole life, it becomes really clear that yesterday’s methods will not, most likely, bear fruit tomorrow. We need to actively follow Jesus and seek His new direction for our ministry here at Trinity.

Fortunately we serve a God who loves doing new things. There’s no one more creative, with greater wisdom, than our God.. He promises to give us a new vision, a plan for our next steps in mission and ministry and a strategy for our future.

Let’s continue to keep our Visioning Process in prayer as we look forward to what God has in mind for the future mission and ministry of Trinity.

Blessings & Peace,

Pastor Ron

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