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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 7/30/2020

Dear Friends and Members of Trinity,

VIRTUAL?  REALITY?  We have certainly had our fill of virtual classes,
meetings, worship, conferences etc.  While I’m not excited about masks and
social distancing, I much prefer “6′ apart” to a computer screen.  Don’t get
me wrong, I’m not critical of the restrictions.  I’m just tired of it like
many of you.  But I have some concerns of where this all could/might take
us.  Last week I heard someone compare the Bible to a Virtual gathering of
sorts.  He said it’s not real, but it’s a means of meeting with God.  It’s
just a book!  True, it is a book – but not JUST a book!  We Lutherans call
it a “Means of Grace.”  It is real and it is God’s Holy inspired Word.
God’s Spirit is active and alive and works in and through that Word!  God’s
Word is more real and alive than anything in this world!

Virtual Worship services will continue to be uploaded for you to
participate in.  Real Worship Services are offered on Sundays at 9:30am
outside, Drive-In style.  These have worked out very well.  We are planning
on the Drive-In services through August and possibly into September.  A
Thursday evening real worship service is being offered INSIDE THE CHURCH.
The service will be video recorded and put up online.  Masks will be
required on Thursday evenings and social distancing observed.

The Fall schedule is still being considered.  We want to resume church
activities as much as we can, but it has to be done safely and in accordance
with official guidelines.  The school is planning to reopen, but specific
details and how that will be done is still up in the air pending guidelines
from N.Y. State.  This is a very uncertain and trying time.  No one knows
how abnormal the ‘new normal’ will be.  We need to trust in the Lord, be
patient and be wise!

Blessings to all!

Pastor Dennis Krueger

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