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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 5/6/2020

Fellow Members of Trinity,

The Stephen Ministers and I have been calling members of the congregation to
check in and see how everyone is doing and ask if there are needs that we
might pray about or help with.  So far as I know, not one of our members has
been struck by the Corona Virus.  Praise God!  Some have been laid off or
furloughed from their jobs, but no one in a desperate situation – at least
not yet.  If you know of a certain need that has been missed, please let me
know.  I have some people who would gladly help out anonymously.

The most common response I hear from people is that they are “tired of all
this” or they are “bored!”  It really felt nice to get outside this past
week-end and do some yard work.  Just a thought, consider doing some of the
things you have never had time to do before (or so you thought).  Read your
Bible more – perhaps read through a Book of the Bible, or even the New
Testament.  Make a prayer list of people and things to lift up in prayer.
Don’t forget that this Thursday is the National Day of Prayer.  If ever
there was a time to pray… or pray for our nation… IT’S NOW!

The school has been closed for the remainder of this school year.  Church
services in the sanctuary are still discontinued until permission is granted
to safely open again.  No one really knows when that will be.  We are
talking about more Drive-In services or outside worship services when we are

Please join us this Mother’s Day Sunday, May 10th at 10:30am for another
Drive-In Worship Service.  A video online service will also be available if
you can’t make it or feel it is still not safe to attend.  As before, please
stay in your cars.  It might be too chilly, but if you want to roll down
your window(s), then please wear a mask.

Blessings to all!  Stay safe and well!

Pastor Dennis Krueger

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