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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 5/13/2020

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I’m not one to look for satan behind every bad thing that happens to us in
life.  I don’t believe that satan orchestrated the corona virus pandemic.
But without a doubt satan is crafty enough to use whatever comes along to
lure believers (or would be believers) away from their faith.  I ran across
an article that spoke of this very thing and I want to pass along just a few
thoughts from it.

1.  Satan works to consume us in doubt, fear and worry.  He tries to deceive
us into thinking we’re all alone.

2.  He tries to steal, kill and destroy all that we hold dear.  He is the
master of destruction.

3.  He tempts us to rely on ourselves and our own strength to get us

4.  He is the author of confusion.  He breeds distrust and paranoia.

5.  He tries to lead us into a downward spiral of depression and despair.

6.  He works hard to bring about sickness and disease, disunity and strife.
He wants nothing more than to break up the body of Christ.

Beware of this evil one who roams around like a roaring lion seeking to
devour!  “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might!”  Eph.
6:10  Trust in the Lord, for He is always there for you!  Be in God’s Word!
Pray!  Praise!  Give thanks!

~Pastor Dennis Krueger

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