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Mid-Week Message with Pastor Krueger 4/22/2020

Trinity Members and Brothers & Sisters in Christ,

This Sunday’s Gospel recounts Jesus’ walk and talk with two dejected and
disappointed followers of Jesus on the road to Emmaus.  They did not
recognize that the man who joined them on the way was Jesus – yet.  They
shared with Jesus all that had happened in Jerusalem and how sad they were
because they had “hoped He was the one who was going to redeem Israel.”
Jesus responded to them, “How foolish you are and how slow of heart to
believe!”  Then He explained the Scriptures, Moses and the Prophets,
concerning Himself.  Upon reaching Emmaus they invited Jesus to stay with
them for the night.  At the dinner table their eyes were finally opened and
they realized that this was the risen Jesus.  At that moment He disappeared
from their sight.  They returned to Jerusalem immediately to tell Jesus’

Many of us are growing anxious and weary with this ‘pause and distancing’
lifestyle.  This like nothing we have ever experienced and we had hoped this
might be over by now and life could begin returning to normal.  But it seems
we have a ways to go yet.  And when we start to reopen businesses, churches,
schools and other organizations, it will be gradually.  Life will not go
back to “normal” immediately.  In fact some say life will never go back to
normal, instead to some kind of a “new-normal.”  How comforting to know that
our Lord is with us always and that He walks beside us every moment of every
day!  He is the One who has come and redeemed Israel and all sinful mankind.
In Him we have a “new-normal” as His ransomed and redeemed and forgiven
followers.  In Him we have life and hope!  Even in the midst of quarantine,
He is with us and gives us real hope to sustain us!  That hope never

Thank you so much for your faithful support of the mission and ministry of
Trinity Lutheran Church and School.  Although quite different, there is much
ministry still happening at Trinity.  Online worship services, children’s
church, school chapel and school lessons are just some of what continues to
happen.  Since mid March when we suspended all church and school gatherings,
the church offerings and school tuition have almost remained at the same
level as before.  Except for a couple of hourly people we have been able to
maintain all our church and school staff.  They are performing their jobs as
best they can, mostly online and on the phone working from home.  Thank you
for that faithful and continued support.

Don’t forget that you can go to the church website []
and give online.  You can also mail in your envelopes to the church.  On
Sunday morning you can drop off your offering in the morning if you’re
comfortable doing so.  Pastor is in the church on Sunday mornings if you’d
like to pray as well.  Please wear your mask and maintain social distancing.
As we anticipate reopening the church again we are already considering steps
that will need to be taken to do so safely.

God bless you all!

Pastor Dennis Krueger

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