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A Blessed Lenten Season to all! That may sound a little strange, I suppose, almost like “Merry Christmas” at Christmas time. Lent is often considered to be a somber time of self-denial, contrition and confession. And, actually, it is! But it is also a time of forgiveness, prayer preparation and growth! It is a significant time of the church year as we prepare for Easter and the events of Holy Week leading up to the victorious resurrection.

The entire month of March falls in the Lenten Season. It began on Ash Wednesday, February 26th and continues through Holy Week until the festival of Easter. It is a 40-day period of prayer, devotion and self-denial in preparation for the glory of the cross and the empty tomb. (Note: The Sundays in Lent are not counted for they are considered to be “mini-Easters”.) Historically, fasting was a significant part of the Lenten discipline. While most wouldn’t even consider a 40-day fast, the tradition continues as people may give up something like meat, sweets, coffee or television. It was thought that evil spirits used food as a means of entering the body. Fasting then limited the possibility of the Christian contracting an evil spirit. That may sound rather medieval and strange to us today, but consider the evil influences of television, the internet or other media and entertainment. Fasting from such activities may not be so absurd.

The word Lent comes from an Old English word meaning to lengthen. When applied to the season of the year it means “spring” when the days get longer. I have heard Lent referred to as “spring training” for the Christian as we review such teachings as repentance, forgiveness, faith, devotion, and holy living. Some Lutheran Churches may review Luther’s Small Catechism through the Lenten season. We had done that at Trinity from time to time. Special mid-week Lenten services are offered by many churches that may journey through a special theme. This year Trinity members are being urged to attend the Wednesday morning school chapel services at 9:25 a.m. in the church, or the West Seneca Community of Churches services on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. There are posters in the fellowship narthex area displaying the schedule and locations of the community services in West Seneca. Trinity Lutheran Church is hosting the service on March 11th at 7:00 p.m. (Pre-Service music starting at 6:50 p.m.).

May our Lord richly bless you in this penitential Lenten season! Through additional Scripture and devotional reading, gathering for mid-week worship, prayer and perhaps some sort of self-denial or fasting, may you be nurtured and blessed as you reflect upon the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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