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“After three days I will rise again” (Matthew 27:63)

Unprecedented! Life changing! Strange and surreal! Normalcy upended! These words are being used to describe the times and circumstances we are presently experiencing. People are seized in the grip of fear and hiding from the enemy, COVID-19, in their homes. All of a sudden death, or the threat of death, seems more real!

Death is real and has been since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the garden of Eden. Now that was life changing! Jesus’ mission of salvation took Him to the cross to die. The consequence of sin was and is death. But Jesus conquered sin and death when He suffered and died on the cross, was buried in the tomb, and arose three days later. Talk about surreal, upending and life changing! Temporal death is still very real but eternal death has been swallowed up in Jesus’ victory! Christ has crushed the head of the serpent. We celebrate that unprecedented victory and life on Easter morning! Jesus died, was COVERED in the grave for three days, and burst forth from His three day quarantine! He arose and conquered death. He defeated the evil virus of sin. The normalcy of sin and death was upended so that all who believe and trust in Him will live forever!

Where were the disciples during these three days and on that first Easter? They were self-quarantined for fear of the Jewish leaders. They were hiding out of the fear of punishment and death. Many people are selfquarantining these days, as well they should, out of fear. Social distancing and sequestering at home are wise and prudent. Washing one’s hands thoroughly and often is certainly necessary. But we need not hide away in fear. Through faith in the one who endured “COVERED-03”, we have hope and victory over COVID-19 and even death. As we daily remember our baptism washing, we celebrate the hope of resurrection and life.

This Easter may be very different than what we have come to anticipate and enjoy. It may be a virtual and surreal celebration. But it will be life changing and very real. Ironically, it may be one of the most meaningful Easter celebrations ever as we focus on the empty tomb and our Lord’s victory and life. In Him we have hope, victory and life! Stay corona courageous and Savior strong.

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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