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“Christian Stewardship is the free and joyous activity of the child of God and God’s family, the church, in managing all of life and life’s resources for God’s purpose.” [Definition of Christian Stewardship from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.] Last month I wrote to you about “Reformation Bridge-Building Vision.” This month I want to preview our upcoming Stewardship Sermon Series in the month of November focusing on Bridge Building Christian Stewardship. Most Christians think of stewardship as sermons and campaigns on church budgets, pledging, giving and time/talent surveys. Without a doubt Christian Stewardship touches upon and interfaces with all of these, but it is much much more than fund raising and enlisting volunteers! This month I want to look at the basics of sound Biblical Christian Stewardship and bridge the gap that exists between a campaign and a lifestyle, a segment of life to our whole life.

C. S. Lewis, in his book, Mere Christianity wrote, “Every faculty you have, your power of thinking or of moving your limbs from moment to moment, is given you by God. If you devoted every moment of your whole life exclusively to His service, you could not give Him anything that was not in a sense His own already.” As C. S. Lewis eloquently writes, everything is God’s! Absolutely everything! All our time, our talents and abilities, even our power to think and move is from God! We really give Him nothing. He gives us everything! But He calls us to manage what He has given us. He desires that we joyfully, even cheerfully, manage all our life and resources in thanksgiving to Him and according to His will and purpose. This certainly goes far beyond a several week sermon series or Bible study on Christian stewardship, filling out a pledge-giving form and checking through a survey list of talents, abilities, skills and interests. God doesn’t want just a tithe (10%) response. He desires and expects a whole 100% response! He calls us to faithfully and joyously manage all He has blessed us with from creation / nature to skills and abilities, material resources to His Holy Word and Sacraments!

Let me be very clear though. The more traditional foci of Christian Stewardship like time, talent and treasure are neither wrong nor bad. In fact they are very helpful as one examines his/her stewardship accountability. Pledging and encouraging tithing (giving 10%) are valid stewardship components when properly understood. Using the pledges and tithes of God’s people in His church to formulate a resource budget for funding mission and ministry are sound and appropriate. But they are not ALL that Christian Stewardship is about. Properly understood, Christian Stewardship is a whole life and ‘all in’ joyous response of faith and thanksgiving to the creator and owner of everything. Our oldest calling from God is to “rule over” all His creation. That’s our calling still today as His stewards and managers.

This month we want to look at some of the basic truths and myths, questions and answers concerning Biblical Stewardship and build a bridge from that to our every day lives. On November 17th I want to cover some/all of your questions about stewardship. Please submit your questions in writing and place them in my mail slot (in the coat room). You need not sign your name. Or you could send your questions to if you prefer. Thank you for your participation!

God bless our stewardship journey together!

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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