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The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

This morning I saw a familiar yellow school bus on the road and it reminded me that a brand new school year is just around the corner. It’s a familiar and routine time of the year, I suppose, when classes begin and school bells ring out – and the wheels on the school buses go round and round once again. Honestly, I don’t remember that school bus song when I was growing up. I guess I grew up in the era of “A Hundred Bottles of Beer on the Wall…” I have heard and used the ‘wheels going round and round’ expression to convey how life just seems to continue on in a routine cycle. In spite of circumstances, difficulties or even joys – life goes on… “the wheels on the bus go round and round.”

I suppose that can either be comforting or discouraging. As the writer of Proverbs says, “like a chasing after the wind.” I find this time of the year comforting and exciting as we begin a new school year and church program year. The summer has been wonderful – this past summer especially for me! But, it is great to get back to our church and school routines again! Classes resume, our regular worship schedule resumes, Sunday School and Bible classes start back up, and many other activities commence. Personally, I love the cooler weather, changing Fall colors and gridiron activities as well! (Go Bulls and Bills!!) Vacations are wonderful but so are fuller worship and fellowship opportunities, exciting students and many of our traditional routines and celebrations.

All of that said, the question arises: Do the wheels on the bus always keep going round and round? Can we ever experience a flat tire or a break down in our church and school? In a recent pod cast I listened to, the mainline Catholic and Protestant churches in America cannot count on the wheels continuing to go round and round as they have for so many decades. The average church in America has seen a 25% decline in attendance and active membership in recent years. Why? Simply because the “church culture” has changed. Going to church is no longer seen as a requirement for social validation. Some 8,000 to 10,000 churches in America are closing every year. The pool of trained and dedicated Pastors to serve in these churches is drying up at an alarming pace. Quite frankly, “the wheels on the church are falling off.” We no longer have the assurance that they will keep going round and round.

Now, make no mistake, God has not abandoned His church! He is faithful and is with His people always! Sadly, people are not always with Him though. As we begin a new parish program year, do not take anything for granted. Pray for the leaders of the church. Pray for members to be faithful and involved in the church. Get involved and be regularly active in worship, Bible classes, small group studies, and other activities in Trinity church and school. Support the ministry of Trinity church and school with your prayers, resources and involvement. Do not just assume that the wheels of the bus will always keep going round and round!

God has blessed Trinity Lutheran Church and school for many years with faithful, supportive and active member-disciples. Praise God for that!! Let us follow their example and our Lord’s calling to continue to “keep our hands to the plow” and make sure the wheels keep going round and round. It’s too vitally important to merely take for granted!

~ Pastor Dennis J. Krueger

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