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Growing and Bearing Fruit

“I am the true Vine, and my Father is the gardener. Remain in Me, as I remain in you. I am the Vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:1,4a & 5

“April showers bring May flowers.” I hope the same thing can be said of April snow and ice after this past month! Actually, in spite of the recent unseasonably cold weather, many plants and flowers are starting to push up out of the ground. What a welcome sight to see! Spring and summer (soon) may actually be arriving. This past week I have heard several people saying things like: “it can’t come soon enough”; “…so much for ‘global warming”; and, “I can’t wait to get out in the yard and garden.” Spring is full of things like budding, growing, and planting. It is an affirmation of life once again after a long cold winter!

Similarly, our lives as redeemed and living disciples of Jesus are about renewal, growing and bearing fruit. John records Jesus’ words comparing us to branches. As we are supported and nurtured by and through the Vine, we are to bring forth fruit – “much fruit!” Christian discipleship, that is following Jesus demands and requires fruitfulness. And, the only way to bring forth much fruit is by remaining connected to the Vine, Jesus Christ! Apart from Jesus we can do nothing. We can’t bear fruit. We can’t even be saved! In fact, the eternal consequence of being apart from Jesus is just that – eternal and unalterable separation from Jesus and eternal life!

Many of you know how to grow flowers, vegetables and fruit. It takes a plan of watering, weeding, cultivating, and in West Seneca – defending against the deer. How do you remain connected to the Lord and bear the fruits of faith? It takes a plan of action too.

  • Remaining in “Me,” Jesus – the “Word” of God. The growing disciple must be in God’s Word regularly, routinely, daily! There is really no other way. Jesus said, “apart from Me you can do nothing.” A daily Bible reading plan is helpful. Attending a Bible Class or Small Group can be very helpful as well. Studying God’s Holy Word yourself is very valuable and essential. Yes, even memorization of Bible verses can be quite powerful.
  • Remain in the “Body of Christ,” the church! Gather with other believers in Jesus and build one another up in the faith. This is the design of the Gardener. The branches, connected to the Vine (Jesus) can support and encourage and bear one another up. When the heavy snows and ice of testing and temptation weigh heavily, the branches can support one another. That’s the blessing of being called together and working as God’s church.
  • Bear fruit! Get involved in the mission and ministry of the church. Consider your likes and dislikes, your talents and abilities, as well as the opportunities that come your way. God works in these and many other ways to lead us in bringing forth the fruits He would have us bear. Jesus calls all who would follow Him to love and serve as He did. What an exciting calling it is!
  • Remain in communication with the Vine: PRAY! Talk to the Lord regularly and often. It need not be in well polished and crafted prayers. Speak to Jesus from your heart. His heart is always open and listening. There are many resources available to help one in his/her prayer life. The Book of Psalms in the Old Testament can be a great help. Even one of our hymnals can be a wonderful help. Often times, hymns are prayers set to music.

As the sun grows warmer and the days a little longer, the earth wakes up once again and begins to bring forth the flowers, fruits and vegetation the eternal Gardener planted in the days of creation. As the Son warms and nurtures us, let us grow, blossom and flourish in the fruits of faith! In the day of the harvest we will rejoice in the Lord together!

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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