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Fake News

While not a brand new phenomena, “fake news” has sure been in the news a lot lately! “Fake news” is the deliberate reporting of news that is inaccurate or not true and intended to manipulate and mislead the readers. With the widespread usage of the internet and social media, fake news seems to have taken off as was seen in the recent presidential election. Sadly now, one has to always wonder if the news we read and hear is truly accurate and truthful.
In a couple of weeks or so we will celebrate the holiday of love, Valentines’ Day. Have you ever tried to figure out the truth behind all the romance, chocolate, roses and heart shaped cards? If you have, you quickly discovered that other than the fact that there was a St. Valentine (more than just one) and that he was purported to have been martyred, that’s all that is known for sure! There are a number of legends and traditions, but they don’t really hold up to scrutiny. The truth may well be that the facts about Valentine’s Day have been greatly embellished as a way to counter the celebration of the pagan celebration of the Feast of Lupercalia. Yet, we continue to observe and celebrate this day with little concern over its legitimacy. Actually, guys, I would not recommend ignoring Valentine’s Day just because it smacks of fake news!

G O O D N E W S !

There is “Good News,” of course, that is not fake. In fact it is the way, the TRUTH, and the life! It is the ultimate celebration of love – God’s love! God loved the world, all people of all time, so much, that He gave His one and only Son – who redeemed sinful mankind by His sacrifice on the cross. All who believe in Him, and that this is true and not fake, receive forgiveness, life and eternal salvation! How sad it is that a growing number of people believe that this celebration of love is fake news! They probably observe Valentine’s Day without question, but doubt the truly amazing grace and love of God in His Son, Jesus. The historical facts of Jesus of Nazareth and His death on the cross are documented. Granted, the significance of what it means is received by faith. But, for those who believe, what a wondrous celebration of the God who is love!
This Valentine’s Day let us celebrate the TRUE gift of love in our Savior, Jesus! Let us love one another as He has loved us. Let us share the Good News of God’s love with others. And, if you are moved to share a card, some flowers or some chocolate with a loved one – go for it!

~ Pastor Dennis Krueger

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